Why I chose short hair.
Women in every age mostly prefer long hair and admire people with long hair and of course our attention goes to the long hair before the face of the person, although it is a nice one. I am also one of those women. Genetically I have long hair to which I don’t give much attention. In teenage, little curious about stylish hair cuts and had 2 different hair cuts; step hair cut and layer hair cut. And the the desire of trying hair cuts disappeared.
I just comb and make a comfortable hair style which is braiding only. The hair started to grow little by little. I come to realize that I have long hair when people say. When the hair started to grow long, I was in the situation to give attention to it. Do you know how? Since it is long and fine, it is more prone to tangling. So I have to keep it tangle free to make my life easier. I have to keep it tangle free while shampooing, combing and rest of the time. I am allowed to braid only because otherwise it will get tangled easily. People admire my hair but I am the only person doesn’t. Yeah, I agree that when combed nicely and braided till the end, it looks nice. If it is for one day, I am ok with it, but if daily?
Although life with this long hair is little irritating and disturbing, what I thought always is how to keep it tangle free. I learned how to comb easily without damaging it, I used conditioner to keep it tangle free, I washed to regularly and oiled it. I gave my attention to it like a newborn baby.
I talk about the life with long hair with my best friend. He offered an advice, why don’t you cut it short?. Good idea! Why I didn’t get this? If I cut it short, I need to worry about keeping it tangle free.
I am ready for cutting the hair short. I searched for a parlor. I shampooed it to prepare for a haircut. I made it. Wow, I felt like one of the big burden disappeared. Now I can easily comb, keep it tangle free and no more time to spend with it. I am so happy!