Janu Sirsasana — head to knee pose
Before getting to know about this pose, let me talk about why this? I did this pose just to try third branch of yoga-asanas and I felt like the physical energy in my body is flowing top to bottom via my lower back to hamstrings and I felt energetic compared to normal.
Normally we sit for long time in the current lifestyle and having back pain is common nowadays. This simple pose is better medicine for back pain and also a way to explore yoga-asanas. So let us understand the pose.
“Janu” means knee, “sirsa” means head and “asana” means pose. While performing the pose, the upper body bent forward so the head touches the knee and hence the name janu-sirs-asana. The target muscles are neck, lower back, hip and hamstrings.
To learn how to do the janu sirsasana step by step click the link https://youtu.be/dIvn6YyIaWc .