9 ways to beat boredom
Practical ways to make your time engaging and useful
Everybody gets bored. If you’re an adult, obviously you get bored many times. Some people just go out, drink beer, do something and escape the boredom while some spend time how to get rid of this. There are some good ways to deal with it.
- Be with the boredom
Don’t judge too fast. Listen to me for a moment. What I mean by being with the boredom is when you let yourself be with the boredom for few minutes or an hour, your attachment to doing something disappears and with time you will get ideas to do something with the time. It needs some rest to the mind and doing of things.
I specifically like watching Hollywood romantic comedy movies. With work and household chores I have totally forgotten that. While being with the boredom, I recollect things I really enjoyed which actually kills my time.
2. Find your interests
Somebody’s interests are not our interests. Spending time to discover what you are interested is a worthy goal. Find those and spend time each week on those. Doing things which interests you not only fades the boredom but also gives an energy in life.
To be honest, I find myself no hungry whenever I am totally immersed in my interests.
3. Create something or learn a new skill
The process of creating is enjoyable and takes your time and energy. Create something you are good at. Learn a new skill. Even learning a new word a day makes a difference. When you become old, you know many things and things does not excites as it excites to children. Learn new things to become children again. do you find any children with boredom?
4. Spend time in learning and exploring cooking
You cook or not, you will definitely eat everyday. It is a basic need. Why don’t you turn boredom in to something benefits you. Everybody from a child to a old man likes eating. We enjoy eating our favorite dishes. If you’re new to cooking, making an egg scramble makes you lot of happy. Actually it is a freedom. Freedom to make a dish the way you want it. You can explore it.
I personally find joy in creating new recipes. If you like meat, try making it in your favorite way. Give it a try.
5. Clean and decorate your room
The room you live is the extension of your body. Keeping it clean and nice gives a good feel. Using your boredom to do things likes this gives a good vibe.
6. Invest time in growing plants
Plant is something which has life energy. As we have everything at anytime in hand, we have forgot the joy of waiting for something. Waiting for a seed to grow which you have cared and watered is a different feeling. Watering it daily gives a feeling of having a new member in a family. Feel it.
7. Read books on topics which interests you
Some people love reading while some doesn’t. If you are not in to reading, pick a book of your interest, reading will be easy. There might be chances you become a regular reader.
8. Do things which makes your beloved people happy
Bringing smile in the face of your family members feels good. There are charitable organization around the world, where people living happily with less amount of money. How they do it? They derive joy in the service of others. Even if it is a stranger, it works. All I am explaining here are not understood with just reading but with practice. I think that’s why AI cannot replace humans because it cannot experience things like humans.
9. Meditation
How meditation helps with boredom? Meditation during times of boredom? Absolutely not. You have to do regular meditation as it clears your mind and make space for creative energy to flow in. Actually boredom means you have nothing of interest to do. You can’t play cricket in a garbage filled ground. That’s how meditation works. Why think of meditation of hours. Do it 5 minutes a day consistently. With time, increase the time according to your wish.